


Drinking Water

ACQUAPHI™  increases the detoxification power of tap water which, in most cases, has totally lost its energetic properties and vitality. It trasforms regular  tap water into  active, healthy crystalline-shaped water, free of foreign and chemical contaminants memories and side effects.
AcquaPhi™ highly improves the quality of regular tap water and removes the taste of chlorine.







Animals and plants

Animals prefer structured water to normal tap water.  Skin and digestive problems are dramatically reduced and vitality is increased.
AcquaPhi™ Water extends blossom time for plants. Crops & plant growth increase 27-40%








AcquaPhi™ water has substantially reduced surface tension which increases cleaning power. Less shampoo and soap  is needed since AcquaPhi™ reduces water hardness.
Our structured water reduces the operations and maintenance costs for water pipes, boilers, and washing machines through a strong reduction of destructive effects of limestone in water pipes.








Food left to soak in structured water gains freshness, increased bio-energy. and of course taste better.
The cooking time is decreased by a third for vegetables, rice, potatoes, and meat.








AcquaPhi™ water improves the aroma of tea and also coffee since it removes acidity and bitterness.







Revitalizing and Antibacterial Effects

Luc Montagnier (Nobel Prize for Medicine 1998) has demonstrated that viruses and bacteria can contaminate water by electromagnetic markers that are recorded in water’s cellular structure.

AcquaPhi™ erases water’s memory of all previous contaminants via a powerful antibacterial effect. This effect deactivates the harm of contaminating chemicals and pollutants water may have been subject to.







Pool Treatment

The ultimate treatment for your pool.
Connected directly into the water circulation it will keep your pool crystal clear using about 30% less chlorine.

It also removes the disturbing effects of chlorine on skin and eyes and will transforms your pool in a wellness experience.







Effects on other liquids.

AcquaPhi™ is a multipurpose device suitable also for the food & beverage industry.

Every consumable liquid such as milk, juice, wine, and oils, will benefit from this process.




















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